yet another thing which i tried ths sem ws swimming. one of my friend decided to coach me so i agreed to step n2 th pool, of course the shallow 1. it was a holiday so i ws thnkn of sleepn late bt thn it ws so late tht i skipped. has become quite a usual practise in engineerin career.
lemme come to th point. so my friend took me swimming early in th mornn. introducing him..he is coco. water polo hostel team n god swimmer. so he strtd coachn. tld me to try floatin on water first bt i ws too afraid lifting my leg so he tried dfrnt thngs. seriousli i always flt like i wud drwn. so he tld lets try smthng else n he tld me to breathe in n go under water. i did tht. he tld its to overcm fear of water. i pushd my slf dwn hard enof bt dint manage to go dwn. thn i lifted my legs off th ground n tried bt thnx to th buoyant force wch dint let me go dwn i used to cm up immediateli thn he came to me n said "hope u have convinced urself tht even if u try u cant drown so do as i tell u" n on my frst de onli i could float on water.
ws an awsm experience.
they say "every living being is a born swimmer" u jst hv to step in 2 th water.
ws an awsm experience.
they say "every living being is a born swimmer" u jst hv to step in 2 th water.