People at UCLA (university of california, los angeles) have discovered a 13 million-digit prime number. Are people this jobless that they are still finding prime numbers!! and they say we are lukin for the next 1. what is wrong with this people. i wish real mathematicians stopped finding bigger prime numbers n die and started teaching in our insti.
info for interested junta:
1. they had used 75 computers in a network running windows xp for 1 mnth to find the number.
2. they have won a prize money of 1,00,000$. ( i hope this is th cause they were onto findin sch a nmbr)
3.it is the 46th Mersenne prime number.
Mersenne prime number: 2^P - 1 shud be a prime where P is a prime. (for the new prime P = 43,112,609)
underused computing power is used to make the calculations.
Thanks for "info for interested junta" - I found it interesting !!
"Are people this jobless that they are still finding prime numbers!!"- umm ... Primes are very important. You also know it. C'mon now don't pretend that u don't.
The pinch of sarcasm made it more lively. Looking forward to the next post !!
well, the 1 helpful thing in ur post ws th Mersenne prime number. ya, on seeing tht i ws immediately gonna google it, but thnx 2 ur cncern fr ur readers, i m now enlightned a bit.
n ya, abt the joblessness, ppl do more weirder (notic the overuse of comparative dgree) stuff thn this. so do giv thm som cudos fr atleast their perseverence 2 hold on 2 whtevr they were doin- evn if it seems useless. :)
thnx for the info.. frankli i dint know what it is. C'mon boy. chill out. i will take care hence forth
good point dude...nd interesting piece of info!.
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