Thursday, October 30, 2008

smart, smarter smartest........smartestest

Was wondering if we would have been smarter if we had a blood lump sitting idle in our skull and brain cells flowing in our arteries and veins.


Unknown said...

funda kya hai bhai?

Abhishek Behera said...


funda? the reaction time wud have been lowered or something?

Aroused said...

(frustration) that was a joke...

Stupidosaur said...

Maybe then the 'brain cells' will have to 'hold their breath' till they get their next breath from the lump of blood during their next pass through it during circulation cycle ;)

So in such situation of scarce resources, their productivity will rather decrease I think :P

RAHUL K said...

god!..bad to see that people r missing the humor...well good one..but meddling with specifics info etc..will get u into trouble if junta start thinking nd put their fundae on the points